Sunday, March 14, 2010


I hate fog. Scares me to death. There is something about driving home late at night, not being able to see more than 20 feet in front of you, that freaks me out. I get the chills just writing about this.

My first experience very negative experience with fog came only months after getting my drivers license. I was on 109th, before they put more lights in, on my way home from a friend's house. The field to my right was all but pushing the dense fog in front of my tiny little car. My headlights were reflecting off the water droplets just five feet in front of me. I couldn't see a thing. I tried turning my lights off, like I had seen other people do. I was pitched into total darkness. I gave a little scream and quickly corrected my mistake. The grey wall pressed in around me. I felt like one wrong move and I would disappear and float away with the fog.

It is unnerving to completely lose your sense of direction and motion, both of which are based off the objects around you. When these are gone, you are left with the occasional yellow line on the road in front of you. My knuckles gripped the cool wheel, my muscles were tense, and my eyes jerked around, searching for signs of danger. My basic survival instinct roared at full power. I wanted so badly to pull off the road and call my parents to come get me. It took all my mental strength to will myself put down my clutch and shift into the gear that would take me home.

p.s. Could this be a possible personal narrative topic? I really need to rewrite mine. Your thoughts, please.

1 comment:

  1. Hmm, I'm not sure. If I were you I'd ask Mrs. Mork. I loved how you wrote this, though; I got goosebumps when I read it! (I hate driving in fog too!)

