Today, I went to the Prom Committee meeting and silently laughed inside for a good half hour. I expected to find a group of girls talking valley-girl style about prom-related activities. I also expected that only one clique would most likely be involved. You know, those girls who don't really have a purpose in the high school social structure besides to socialize? You know who I'm talking about. I didn't feel like this group would be a good representation of our school. Instead, I found something much, much worse.
I walked into the North Lecture Hall, slightly apprehensive about who was going to be there, because I knew that none of my friends were on the committee. About 40 students showed up, mostly seniors, but some juniors. There was definitely more than one group of people represented, but not in the way I thought would be best. Sure, the girls-who-don't-do-anything were there, and I was surprised to see a couple guys there, including our homecoming king. There was also a large representation of the large African-American population we have here at CP. In these kinds of terms, the representation was just fine. The problem came with the type or the character of the people there.
For almost 40 minutes, people screamed and yelled at each other. The discussion topic was the theme for prom. Everyone had an opinion to share. And shared they did, at the top of their lungs. To try and get people to settle down, students yelled "BE QUIET! SHUT UP! STOP TALKING!" Others whistled loudly. The level of rudeness in the room was despicable and in no way a proper representation of the students of Champlin Park High School. I was quite appalled at the ridiculousness of the situation. I can't really change anything, so this ranting may be pointless, but I really just wanted you guys to know about my experience today.
That sounds terrible (understatement). I'm rather glad I have nothing to do with that. Good luck dealing with that--if you're still going to be in the committee.
ReplyDeleteThank you for your sympathy. I think I will stay in it, if only to entertain myself.