Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Wow, we covered a lot of information in class today. While now these things seem like common sense, it brings back painful memories of learning the information in the first place. Comma splices, be verbs, and homonyms just sound like a writer's worst enemies. Although it takes more brain power than usual to consider all of these things in a paper, I'm glad that they are considered tools to be used, not analyzed. Three cheers for not having to "learn" grammar, punctuation, and spelling! (By the way, I definitely just misspelled grammar and the computer notified me of my error). It's refreshing to have these things expected of you. That doesn't mean it makes them super easy though. I'm glad that we will have all hour tomorrow to work with our group. Editing? CHARGE!!!

1 comment:

  1. Jen,
    I definitely agree with you 100 percent. I remember the dreaded days (and perhaps you do too) of that yellow "Grammar Inc." book. The thought of it still makes me cringe to this day. Anyways, I also was glad that we had the whole day to discuss our papers with our writing groups. It was incredibly helpful to me as I'm sure it was for you too.

