Tuesday, February 2, 2010

My Writing Style

From Sight to Insight almost perfectly describes my writing process. Not each exact step necessarily, but rather the pattern my actions follow. I think it is very important for the writing process to be understood as vital part of the final product.

My favorite parts of the writing process are Discovering Form and Revising. Perhaps this is because these come the easiest for me. The two things I stress the most, my pet peeves if you will, are organization and sentence structure, which fit nicely into these to categories. If a paper is not organized, with a natural flow of logic, it is simply not finished yet. As for sentence structure, there is always a better way to say something. Admittedly, at times I have revised to the point where every sentence sounds like something out of a poem. Perhaps this is too much, but if a sentence has a poor structure, it will just tumble down, disrupting the flow of the paper (see organization, above).

My worst part of the writing process is most definitely Drafting. Because I focus so much on how words sound when put together, I find it difficult to get my thoughts down in an efficient manner. This is something I would like to work on.

To me, there is nothing better than putting that staple in the final copy. This makes every care taken on the meticulous details worthwhile.

1 comment:

  1. I know exactly what you mean when you say that you stress greatly on organization. I am definitely one that is guilty of this. If the paper doesn't lay with a natural flow, like you mentioned, it cannot be considered "finished" on my watch. I will re-read over my paper and sometimes excessively overanalyze numerous times until I feel it flows just right and makes perfect sense. I never seem to completely revise, however, to fit this. I tend to just change things around and around until I am satisfied. Sometimes a few (or alot) cut and pastes are all it needs!

