Thursday, February 4, 2010


Now I can't decide! There are so many different options, rules, and considerations, oh the possibilities. Knowing me, I will try to do something very difficult. Hopefully I can prevent this by following the two and half page, fourteen point guideline. I think it is a great idea to study something you want to go into, like pharmacy for Sheri. But you see, THIS is what I want to go into. I promise I'm not kidding, read my post from yesterday. I am also quite interested in education. Seeing as I have spent most of my life in this field, and likely have at least six more years in college, this seems like a viable option. But what part of education?

College and college decisions have been a big part of my senior year. I'm wondering what actually happens in the admissions office? See, at the small private Christian college I am going to, I personally know most of the admissions office. I grew up with my admissions officer! This is most likely a special case,but what about different ones? Ones that must reject thousands of candidates, sometimes crushing their dreams? I know I can't exactly sit in on the selection process. Maybe I can study the people who make these decisions, find out what makes them tick, how they got into this profession, etc. This idea working is going to be largely based off the availability of and admissions office letting me come in. Time to start emailing!

1 comment:

  1. Blogger just ate up my comment so here I go, trying to remember what I had said previously.

    I know what you mean. There are too many microcultures out there! And I agree--studying something you'd want to look at for your future is definitely a good head start. Of course, I think it's still, even if we're seniors, a bit early to figure out our direct future goal.

    Your idea for your ethnography sounds really neat. I think that would be really interesting--to find out what makes a candidate a good one or a bad one... Good luck finding a group who will let you study them!

    (Also, your layout is insanely bright. I rather like it.)

